Friday, May 24, 2013

Invisible Radioactive Dark Lightning Shocks Scientists

The newly discovered "Dark Lightning" phenomena is increasing worldwide due to climate change triggered superstorms... scientists investigating say if you're in a storm there is a chance for "invisible dark lightning" striking your building's lightning rod however "you will not die, at least not immediately because it's a radiation strike...we may know more about why this is happening in 1-2 years." Dark lightning alert by CNN starts at 17minutes into this video.. 

This video also compiles global mainstream news coverage of increased extreme weather and geological phenomena happening over the last year. The "loud booms" being reported from US states surrounding Yellowstone and those states near Texas have people baffled in these mainstream news reports, but historians explain that similar booms were reported for over a year leading up to the famous 1811 New Madrid earthquake.. 

Interestingly with more and more historic data online researchers are trying to uncover a scientific explanation to connect the famous 1859 solar superstorm "Carrington Event" and related year-long earth facing heavy solar flare activity to other global extreme weather and geologic phenomena that "preceded it" - the 1859 Royal Charter super storm, the 1859 Great Simoon 133 degree sundowner that baked California, 1859 6.0+ earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and even the 1859 worldwide super flu pandemic. 

The Kite-Acheson Effect is where a large solar flare CME impacting Earth's geomagnetic field creates a static lift in particulate matter which causes global dust clouds which it is now speculated may spread diseases around the planet. This could account for the 1859 global pandemic occurring prior to modern air travel, which is blamed for pandemics today. 

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